Anti Bedbugs Treatment

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Anti Bedbugs Treatment

If you have bed bugs in your house, the only thing on your mind will be getting rid of them as quickly as possible. Bed bugs stay close to a food source, so are found where people tend to rest and sleep, hence the name bed bug. The frustration they can cause is not only due to the emotional stress of dealing with parasites, but also the irritation of their bites and the potential for secondary infection from constant scratching.

There has been a recent resurgence of bed bugs in homes biting people at night. It is widely thought that this is related to a global increase in international travel (bed bugs are known to travel in luggage or clothing). PEPCOPP understand how distressing bed bugs can be. Call us free and we’ll get rid of your problem.

Why do you get BedBugs ?

You can pick up bed bugs almost anywhere — offices, stores, hotels and gyms for starters. They’re great at hiding and have been known to hitchhike in luggage, personal belongings or even you. Once indoors, they can be very difficult to control without the help of an experienced pest specialist. You can reduce your chances of a costly bed bug infestation by catching them early. These blood sucking insects are commonly found in unhygienic conditions and in public places like hospitals, public transport vehicles, hostels and guest houses, theaters, etc. Passive in daytime and active at nights, these creatures attack people from their dwelling in places like beds, sofa, mattresses, baggage, pillows, blankets, curtains, etc.

Tips to Control

  • Remove all clutter from your home, which makes finding bed bugs easier.
  • Wash and dry your bed linens on the hottest temperature permitted.
  • Closely inspect any second-hand furniture before bringing it in your home.
  • > Inspect your home after moving, trips, service calls or overnight guests.

BedBugs Control Service Measures:

  • Detection: Bed bugs typically cluster together in favorable harborage areas. However, some bed bugs will live by themselves, away from the rest of an infestation. The best way to determine if you have an infestation is to look for bed bugs where you sleep (or rest). In bedrooms, look particularly on and around boxsprings, mattresses, bed frames, tufts, folds, and buttons on mattresses, furniture, such as desks and chairs, behind wall paper, clocks and pictures, cracks in wood floors, and under the edge of carpet. If you travel also check your luggage, where you typically set it down when you enter your home and where you store it. While bed bugs are most commonly found in bedrooms, infestations can also occur in other rooms, including: bathrooms; living rooms; and laundry rooms. Dark blood spots on sheets and bedding may indicate bed bug feeding. Bed bugs will sometimes excrete while they are feeding. This results in darker (dark reddish or brownish) spots or smears found on bed sheets, pillowcases and mattresses, or in nearby areas. This material is composed mostly of digested blood and the stains are very characteristic. In severe infestations, bed bugs may be more noticeable. The accumulation of bugs, cast skins and fecal spots will be very apparent upon close inspection.
  • Control using heat: You can use your washing machine and dryer to kill bed bugs that may be infesting clothes. Clothes laundered in hot water and/or dried in temperatures hotter than 122° F for 20 minutes will kill all stages of bed bugs. This is typically the medium-high setting. If you are not sure what temperature you drier can reach, ask a professional to test it for you. You can also sterilize curtains and other fabrics, rugs, shoes, backpacks, stuffed animals, toys, and similar objects by drying them for about 30 minutes (for a full load).
  • Control using cold: Cold temperatures can kill bed bugs if they are exposed to it long enough and at temperatures that are cold enough. If you place objects into a freezer, at 0° F all stages of bed bugs will be killed when they are left in it for 7 to 10 days.

It is a common assumption that if you put infested furniture outdoors during winter when it is cold, that the temperatures are sufficient to kill bed bugs. While you will undoubtedly kill some bed bugs, there is no guarantee that you will kill all of them. There is little research that has examined how cold and for what duration you need under those circumstances. The U.S. military believes that if you expose furniture to 0° F or less for four days or more, that may be sufficient.

Anti Bed Bugs treatment

Anti Bed Bugs treatment carries insecticides spraying to the residential premises. Which shall eradicate the existing pest and also prevents, these pest for a long time. During the operation, sides of the walls, doors, windows, wooden cot, chairs & windows will be sprayed.